Below are the list of sources (outside of the US) that we are currently aware of. If you know a source that is not on this list, please file an [issue](https://github.com/covidatlas/coronadatascraper/…
Please report the issue under the appropriate header below.
**Content to be added or changed:**
The website goes to a great length to explain the concept of "flattening the curve". However it does…
- Relevancy
- Accuracy
- Consistency
- Timeliness
- Completeness
- Licensing under Open Data License
### Data Owner Name
National Library of Medicine
### Data Owner Country/Region
United States
### Data Owner Industry
Life Science / Healthcare
### Website
The list of counries/regions is already 177 items long. Would it be possible to provide:
- **Continent Grouping:**
Like for example have a meta item "Europe" that can be collapsed/expanded,
ghost updated
4 years ago
## C⓪V①D
COVID-19 Cofacts and Comments https://agora0.gitlab.io/blog/covid
## How-to
- Vote :+1: / :-1: to the comments.
- Add your own comments below.
## Session Title: Fostering Inclusion, Engagement, and Active Learning in the Virtual Classroom
### Session Details
* Session type: Breakout discussion
* Keywords: teaching practices, active lea…
At the moment it is a little clunky, tedious and a bit opaque to access the regional data imported using the JHU and Google wrappers. It would be really nice to improve access to this data on the same…
#My code is
from datasets import Dataset
from ragas.llms import LangchainLLMWrapper
from langchain_community.embeddings import SparkLLMTextEmbeddings, HuggingFaceEmbeddings
#from langchain_commu…