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疫情共知貼吧 C⓪V①D #2

Open theagora opened 3 years ago

theagora commented 3 years ago


COVID-19 Cofacts and Comments


demosisto commented 3 years ago

Pre-print or pre-peer review research papers:

Search queries: COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2

theagora commented 3 years ago
demosisto commented 3 years ago
theagora commented 3 years ago
demosisto commented 3 years ago

Oxford University breakthrough on global COVID-19 vaccine | 23 Nov, 2020

demosisto commented 3 years ago

UK government secures additional 2 million doses of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine | 29 Nov, 2020

demosisto commented 3 years ago
theagora commented 3 years ago

COVID-19 may cause 'significant' cognitive deficits, study says | STEPHEN JOHNSON | 28 October 2020

A growing body of research suggests COVID-19 can cause neurological damage in some patients.

theagora commented 3 years ago

UK approves Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, will begin shots in days | Stephen Johnson | 2 December 2020

demosisto commented 3 years ago

Covid-19 vaccine: First person receives Pfizer jab in UK | 8 Dec, 2020

A UK grandmother has become the first person in the world to be given the Pfizer Covid-19 jab as part of a mass vaccination programme.

Senior NHS sources:

theagora commented 3 years ago

How officials will ensure the COVID-19 vaccine stays cold enough in transit | Reuben Jackson | 3 December 2020

demosisto commented 3 years ago

8 Things to Know on COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC | 13 Dec, 2020

demosisto commented 3 years ago

Hong Kong fourth wave: HK$5,000 to take the Covid-19 vaccine? Lawmaker floats the idea at Legco health panel meeting | SCMP | 16 Dec, 2020

? Some ppl playing a duet ? lol

demosisto commented 3 years ago

Explainer: How the Moderna vaccine stacks up against Pfizer/BioNTech's | Michael Erman | 19 Dec, 2020

demosisto commented 3 years ago

Covid: US approves Moderna as second vaccine | 19 Dec, 2020

How vaccines compare

theagora commented 3 years ago

Preliminary genomic characterisation of an emergent SARS-CoV-2 lineage in the UK defined by a novel set of spike mutations | 19 December 2020

Recently a distinct phylogenetic cluster (named lineage B.1.1.7) was detected within the COG-UK surveillance dataset. This cluster has been growing rapidly over the past 4 weeks and since been observed in other UK locations, indicating further spread.

Figure 1 | Phylogenetic tree of the B.1.1.7 lineage and its nearest outgroup sequences, for samples collected up until 30-Nov-2020.

Figure 2 | Regression of root-to-tip genetic distances against sampling dates, for sequences belonging to lineage B.1.1.7 (blue) and those in its immediate outgroup in the global phylogenetic tree (brown).

Figure 2

theagora commented 3 years ago

7 expert perspectives on what COVID-19 means for the planet | Douglas Broom | 27 December 2020

  1. COVID-19 may have cut air pollution but we haven't beaten climate change
  2. The food waste problem has been made worse
  3. Single-use plastics are on the rise too
  4. Millions more people will be driven into poverty
  5. Immunization has been set back by the pandemic
  6. 'Building back better' must put the environment and fairness first
  7. Looking after the environment could help prevent future pandemics
theagora commented 3 years ago

5 big predictions for 2021 | Derek Beres | 28 December 2020

theagora commented 3 years ago

Benefits of Getting Vaccinated | CDC | 5 JAN 21'

demosisto commented 3 years ago

Covid vaccine update: When will others be ready? | 12 Jan, 2021

How many vaccines are being tested?

theagora commented 3 years ago

Covid: Vaccinated people may spread virus, says Van-Tam | 25 January 2021

People who have received a Covid-19 vaccine could still pass the virus on to others and should continue following lockdown rules, England's deputy chief medical officer has warned.

theagora commented 3 years ago

Covid-19: Hong Kong approves use of BioNTech vaccine – first batch arriving as early as Feb | 25 January 2021

The advisory panel on Covid-19 vaccines recommended the use of BioNTech vaccines last Monday, as its “efficacy outweighs its risks.” The advice given by the panel to the government was also uploaded to the bureau’s website for public access.

demosisto commented 3 years ago

Q&A from NHS on COVID-19 Vaccine | 7 Feb, 2021

theagora commented 3 years ago

One year of COVID-19: What will we learn? | 17 February 2021

Ego vs Eco

demosisto commented 3 years ago

Here's everything you need to know about Hong Kong's COVID-19 vaccine rollout | 26 Feb, 2021

demosisto commented 3 years ago


demosisto commented 3 years ago

新冠疫苗:「一針還是兩針」等重要問題的科學解答 | 7 Mar, 2021


demosisto commented 3 years ago


theagora commented 3 years ago

关于COVID-19疫苗的流言和事实 | CDC

theagora commented 3 years ago

Can you still spread coronavirus after getting the vaccine? | 3 March 2021

The vaccine will shorten the "shedding" time.

  1. Does vaccination completely prevent infection? The short answer is no. But your chances of getting seriously ill are almost zero.
  2. Does infection always mean transmission? Transmission happens when enough viral particles from an infected person get into the body of an uninfected person. But a vaccine will reduce the chance of this happening.
  3. What about the new coronavirus variants? Recent studies show that vaccines are less effective against certain ones, like the B1351 variant first identified in South Africa.
demosisto commented 3 years ago

香港暫停接種BioNTech疫苗 因藥瓶封蓋包裝有瑕疵問題 | 24 Mar, 2021

Suspension Shock

theagora commented 3 years ago

Vaccines and the power of positive reinforcement | 21 March, 2021

People may be more willing to get vaccinated when told how popular it is. An MIT research team says: When shown basic numbers about how popular Covid-19 vaccines are, the fraction of people reluctant to get the vaccine drops by 5 percent.

theagora commented 3 years ago

COVID-19 Vaccination Race, 2021.03

Race in World Race in Asia
Race in World Race in Asia
demosisto commented 3 years ago

疫苗接種:全球為什麼要研發新冠混合疫苗? | 1 Apr, 2021

demosisto commented 3 years ago

BNT組新冠疫苗製造聯盟 拚今年產量達20億劑 | 15 Mar, 2021

demosisto commented 3 years ago

阿斯利康疫苗:歐盟藥監局確認血栓為該疫苗「罕見」副作用 年輕女性疑面臨更大風險 | 7 Apr, 2021

theagora commented 3 years ago

For some, the pandemic eased mental health distress | 6 April 2021

Children with pre-existing mental health issues thrived during the early phase of the pandemic.

theagora commented 3 years ago

Covid: How does the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine work? | 15 April 2021

People under the age of 30 are to be offered an alternative to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, after a review into a possible link with extremely rare blood clots in adults.

How works

demosisto commented 3 years ago

【持續更新】香港COVID-19疫苗接種資訊 | 22 Apr, 2021


theagora commented 3 years ago

US lifts pause on Johnson & Johnson vaccine | 24 April 2021

US health regulators have lifted an 11-day pause on the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Covid-19 jab, but will add a warning label about the potential for extremely rare blood clots.

theagora commented 3 years ago

What we know about the Indian B.1.617 variant of coronavirus | 3 May 2021

Indian cities such as New Delhi have had to resort to mass cremations for the COVID-19 dead. (Reuters: Adnan Abidi)

demosisto commented 3 years ago

新冠疫苗:世卫批准使用中国国药疫苗,这一决定意味着什么 | 7 May, 2021



theagora commented 3 years ago

Third dose of Covid jab to be trialled in UK | 20 May 2021

The public is being urged to take part in trials to find out whether a third dose of Covid vaccine could protect against new variants.

The Cov-Boost study, which starts in June, will recruit 3,000 people of all ages who had their first dose in December or January, to test if this is worthwhile.

theagora commented 3 years ago

Covid-19: What went wrong in Singapore and Taiwan? | 20 May 2021

They've been hailed as virus success stories - places that have seen virtually zero or single-digit Covid cases since the start of the year.

But this month, Singapore and Taiwan have both seen a sudden and aggressive rise in cases - with Singapore logging 248 new cases just last week, and Taiwan 1,200 local infections. Both places have gone into a heightened state of restrictions, limiting the size of social gatherings and closing schools.

theagora commented 3 years ago

The Great Resignation: COVID revealed how abnormal the modern workplace is | 17 May 2021

Is working from home the ultimate liberation or the first step toward an even unhappier "new normal"?

theagora commented 3 years ago

Covid: Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs work against Indian variant - study | 23 May 2021

demosisto commented 3 years ago

新冠疫苗危機中台灣陷外交與執政窘態, 民間組織如何助力 | 3 Jun, 2021

台灣自五月中旬爆發第二波新冠疫情,至今已有數千人確診。也因為疫情嚴峻,新冠疫苗在從乏人問津變一劑難求 。目前,政府下訂的疫苗數量多少,何時抵達等相關信息缺位, 民眾質疑聲不斷。

theagora commented 3 years ago

Are Asia's Covid 'winners' entering shaky new territory? | 18 June 2021

Australia. New Zealand. Singapore. Vietnam. Japan. Hong Kong. South Korea. Taiwan.

demosisto commented 3 years ago

新冠大流行按流感處理 如何看待新加坡抗疫新思路 | 8 Jul, 2021

demosisto commented 3 years ago

數十名醫護打完針後仍然死亡,印尼呼籲提供科興加強版第三針 | 7 Jul, 2021