/spec A crypto platform for community-driven research, debates, and papers, with a leaderboard and trending topics. Users contribute, validate, and earn points. -- function as a collaborative, gamifie…
The DebateSum Dataset was made from a huge corpus of Policy Debate evidence. Much of that evidence is BS post modernist philosophy.
# Summary
The conversation revolves around the behavior of the `SortedSet.fromIterable` method in the Effect-TS ecosystem. The users are discussing whether this method should deduplicate items.
Key …
How difficult would it be to turn your code into a word-level model? That is, to select the best words to include in the summary, instead of at the sentence level. This task would be extremely useful …
By enrolling you would agree to have your life public or at least majority of it. The promise of the app is to be able to vet to be leaders based on the information provided by personally verifiable i…
English has a tangled mess of minor patterns for constructing proper names. Having revised the [`flat` guidelines](https://universaldependencies.org/u/dep/flat) to clarify the prototypical cases of he…
We should have an analytics pane where we can put all of our visualizations of debate and feedback data.
Should go under an analytics supertab (#37) and incorporate analyses of the feedback data (#…
We need to think about what predicates we need for describing the variant-treatment relationship, and what to name them.
The values we have defined so far are below:
- `predicts_sensitivity_to` …
ORE offers the possibility to have "case studies", and for this dataset, we could make a case study that we call "Analyzing Lionnet's Reconstruction of Proto-Sonoran: A Computer-Assisted Case Study".
As a sanity check it is worth checking that GEDCOMX fulfills the needs for the research process. In an attempt to prevent too much debate on the definition of the research process I am citing the mode…