I was trying to use the POD-DeepONet code on Burgers dataset and ran into `ValueError: No variables to save` error while compiling the model. I think this is related to Tensorflow. Do you have P…
Hello, I recently read one of your research papers. Could you please provide the data set for FWI-F?
I wish you all the best in your work!
def pde_system(x, y, f):
# 1D Convection-Diffusion
c = y[:, 0:1]
#constant velocity for now
u = torch.tensor(0.1)
du_x = 0.
# derivatives
dc_dt = dde.grad…
This code causes an error exiting Julia during `Zygote.gradient `. Any ideas why? Without `additional` layer works fine.
deeponet = NeuralOperators.DeepONet(
代码按照上面修改过,使用的Windows环境下torch 2.0.0+cu118;numpy 1.26.4;DeepXDE 1.12.2;
Using backend: pytorch
Other suppor…
Dear users,
I cannot find the data files to run the examples included in deeponet. Specifically, does anyone know where can we download
### I am trying to run the code on Darcy_rectangular_pwc and getting following error. Please look into it. Thanks
branch = tf.keras.Sequential(
Hi, Sir
I was confused on what is the difference between DeepONet and DeepONetCartesian Product, could you please explain briefly that:-
Q1. How they both are different from each other?
Q2. What w…
- [x] Fourier NO
- [ ] Markov NO
- [x] DeepONets
- [ ] Graph Kernel Networks (needs https://github.com/CarloLucibello/GraphNeuralNetworks.jl/issues/372)
- [x] NOMAD