I'd like to use a USBasp to program my Atmega chip, for which I am using the following configuration in my `platformio.ini` file:
platform = atmelavr
board = atmega328pb
Hi all,
Just figured I'd post this here as a solution to potentially many of your problems with running Deviot since PIO ended support for python 2.7/3.5 and lower. I've used these steps on ST3 and…
I'm attempting to run this on a Raspberry Pi 3 with Python 2.7.9 and I'm getting the following error. I find it strange that it references the RaspberryPi camera. Is that a requirement in order to r…
I do not have deviot anymore after updating, Is this a python 2 thing . I tried installing fresh and nothing happens, not even an error. just no deviot
For some reason on my new computer I cannot get serial ports to show i the drop down..
Pio sees them, perhaps deviot uses some generic python module to do this instead of using pio devices list.. may…
I can't find any DevIoT resource on Cisco Dev site, is the project deprecated?
Luke Zhang
This is related to #88 and some discussion in #154.
My understanding is that deviot should now tolerate a typical platformio setup. Here is a way I went about setting up a reproducible example. It…
### Operating system
Windows 10
### Board used
Teensy 4.0
### Description of problem
During compilation get following user side exception:
"Please install Git client from https://git-scm.com/d…
During deviot installation on two separate Windows machines (7 and 10), installation failed at multiple points during dependency installation, with "Error 5" Access Denied errors. Encountered the sam…
Before report an issue, please make sure it hasn't been reported before.
If you need information about an option or feature make sure to first look into the [Deviot Wiki](https://github.com/gepd/De…