### Describe the bug
When using the evaluation-client to run logmap-bio with the DH tracks, I get a wrong performance.csv for the "tadirah-unseco" test case. It shows me 0 TP, but the "true" number i…
Proposer un thesaurus de muséologie numérique conçu sur le modèle de [TaDiRAH](http://tadirah.dariah.eu/vocab/index.php)
- Borek, Luise, Quinn Dombrowski, Jody Perkins, et Christof Schöch. 2016. « Ta…
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* Murrieta-Flores, P., C. Donaldson, and I. Gregory. 2017. “GIS and Literary History: Advancing Digital Humanities research through the Spatial Analysis of historical travel writing and topographical …
Abstract: [Serielles Erzählen, Gastbeiträge und punktgenaue Metadaten in Gartenlaube-Illustrationen : strategische #Wisskomm mit #LinkedOpenStorytelling für die #…
All articles in public preview (http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/preview/index.html) are missing their language prefix except 000658.xml. We should check to see whether there's a separate Preview …
Since [BibJSON](http://okfnlabs.org/bibjson/) was added to the OKFN Labs site via #271, not much has occurred in relation to the project. Although, recently I floated the idea of reviving dev work on …
Redirects generated in cocoon are mysteriously broken. I don't see any recent changes to the [sitemap.xml](https://github.com/Digital-Humanities-Quarterly/dhq-journal/blob/main/sitemap.xmap) that coul…
textdisplay.mailer m = new textdisplay.mailer();
String body = this.getFname() + " " + this.getLname() + " (" + this.getUname() + ") has invited "
+ newUser.getFname() + " " + newU…
Jupyter notebook has "official" conversion to Reveal.js slides: https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert