Overview of tasks to create MQL panel for Django Debug Toolbar
# Package requirements
- Include our MQL panel here or in separate repo e.g. `django-mongodb-debug-toolbar` ?
- If we include …
I'm following the [django-debug-toolbar installation steps](https://django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html) and seeing how to apply them using DJP's [hooks](https://djp.readth…
I've been experiencing some issues with application css messing up the toolbar.
Putting the component into a shadowdom would fix this issue, and since ddt doesn't interact with t…
- https://django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
- https://woolbro.tistory.com/69
The [django debug toolbar](https://django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) appears to be a good way to profile the performance of a django web app, we should try to install it and se…
I just recently upgraded from `django-debug-toolbar==2.2` to `django-debug-toolbar==3.1.1`. Unfortunately, I did this after a few changes to the core behaviour of the project in question, and so upon …
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## Awaiting Schedule
These upda…
# Metrics
OpenTelemetry - https://opentelemetry.io/docs/getting-started/
Django Debug Toolbar - https://django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html
# Query improvement…
*This is for tracking the progress of the idea started in https://github.com/django-commons/membership/issues/40#issue-2526174875.*
To my knowledge, Jazzband has only one admin currently, and addin…
Rob threw this together:
It'd be super to get that to a stable state (for whatever that means) and then toss it in contrib.django.