Many contributers have stepped down. Need to see which committers are still active and update the details on the [who-is-who page](https://github.com/DjangoGirls/wiki/blob/main/general/people.md).
At the DjangoGirls Barcelona workshop, some of the attendees commented that was difficult to imagine what they were building. After talking to Lucie, she agreed that having a "what my website should l…
As part of DjangoCon Europe I gave a workshop about working with Django and Ember: :hammer: :snake: :guitar: :heavy_plus_sign: :hamster: 🕸 :convenience_store: : http://bit.ly/djember
I've since up…
Després de la pausa per la COVID-19 caldria reprendre els contactes per tal de mesurar forces de nou i analitzar-ne la viabilitat.
Relacionat amb #4 Muntar esdeveniment d’un dia amb una veta concre…
It seems like Winter Code Camp is missing.
Since Django-Suit was no longer maintained, we removed it and switched to vanilla Django Admin. However, this is not working for us as well as we would like. We want to implement a new Dashboard for D…
## What
https://djangogirlsjapan.gitbook.io/workshop_tutorialjp/ が古いので、メンテナンスしたほうがいい思います。同サイトを
1. 最新のバージョンに自動追従できるようにするか
2. https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/ja/ にリダイレクトできるようにする
Dear contributors,
I propose an enhancement to the project documentation by incorporating a detailed section on the architecture followed by Django and highlighting its distinguishing features which …
If we try to create a new event in the city where DG workshop already happened in the past, but we want to have customized website_slug which is different from the previous Event one, we will end up h…
Below are a summary of items shared with us a feedback from the 2018 Pycon Intro to Sprints workshop. Putting them all here as a quick dump... where possible, will be moving them to separate Issues an…