### Prerrequisitos
(Marcar colocando una `X` entre los corchetes los ítems que ya hiciste, así: `"[X]"`)
* [X] Leí las reglas del foro (https://github.com/IIC2233/Syllabus/wiki/3.-Reglas-del-f…
When you compiled your deb file there was a .Dsstore file inside, this can cause it to conflict with other packages. Unpacking the deb removing the file and repacking it will fix this issue.
The current code is somewhat hard to follow, and it is not clear why `arch -32` is needed:
* add DSCache as DSStore derivative
* "StandardToken" -> "StandardToken\n(DSTokenBase)"
Created a new branch called DSstore. Added Brian as a collaborator.
## Bug description & symptom
Using Webdav access under a MAC add dozens of "Finder" files (dedicated to MACOS)
## Expected
The specific files to MacOS Finder should not be stored in Tracim
**Describe the bug**
ListObjectsV2/ListObjects actions return .DsStore files as s3 objects on MacOs, which is a file created in every directory, containing some metadata about the folder.
**To Rep…
Hey there friend! I noticed you have some .DSStore file you probably don't need to continue tracking. You'll want to specify these nonsense files in your .gitignore file. This will clean up some of …
The directory contains part of other Python modules. This should be removed and the modules in question mentioned as requirement.
This is an issue for the packaging. I will have a hard time to expl…
**This is a(n):**
- [ ] New feature proposal
- [ ] Reporting a keyword
- [ ] Error
- [ ] Proposal to the Search Engine
- Adding gitignore file
While making any new commit…