Commands = Client.UseCommandsNext(commandsConfig); is wrong for me idk why im still on the first tutorial
If for example i use this:
`runitor -slug NOCAPSALLOWED_oops -create -ping-key replace_with_ping_key -- echo 'test'`
I get:
Ping(start): nonretriable error response: 400 Bad Request
We have everything set up to allow for scene switching and we still don't have it.
# Cositas
### Formato para escribir nombreNombre
- detalleVenta
## Por arreglar
- Clientes
- Tildes duh
- Nombres raros en: "seguimiento envios"
Please update your docs / website to more expressly indicate that Java is a hard requirement for JS compression. Its "duh" now that I think about it, but I spent several hours trying to figure out why…
SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
at Object.parse (native)
at CacheDir. (/home/uber/rt-tia/node_modules/cache-dir/index.js:17:37)
at Array.forEach (native)
at new CacheDir (/home/ub…