Hi, I work for Lucid Software, and we have [this Confluence add-on](https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.lucidchart.onprem.confluence.plugins.lucid-onprem-confluence/server/overview). Recentl…
It does not work with gradle 3.5
* Where:
Build file '/Users/gtin/workspace/yieldedge/search/backend/proxy/gateway/build.gradle' line: 2
* What went wrong:
An exception occurred applying plugi…
We have a simple example workflow that seems to be passing array inputs without scattering them to lower level scripts
`top_workflow.cwl` calls -> `subworkflow.cwl` calls -> `echocat.cwl` ca…
we've updated our instance to Confluence 6.6. We now get the attached error in our confluence.log when visitng a page that contains a user-profile macro.
Is this because the plugin is only c…
we've noticed that the adam plugin has been removed from the Atlassian Marketplace.
Does this mean the project is shut down? We'd like to know if we have to start looking for an alternative.
I'm trying to set up a simple gradle/golang project that depends on Google's gRPC library. When I add other dependencies like protocol buffers, things seem to work as expected, but once I add gRPC I a…
When an email address is long is crosses over the boundary of the user popup.
Error: /Stage[main]/Nfs::Client::Debian::Service/Service[portmap]: Could not evaluate: Could not find init script or upstart conf file for 'portmap'
When using nfs::client::mounts (i.e. from hiera), a dependency cycle is generated:
(Mount[shared by xenial.openvpn on /srv/test] => Nfs::Client::Mount[test] => Class[Nfs::Cli…
Using a manifest like this:
redis::server { "${env}-redis-${port}" :
redis_memory => $memory,
redis_ip => $ip,
redis_port => $port,
requirepass => $password,
running …