- Would an M/G/k queueing model be the best fit?
- Are different queueing models more/less energy-efficient / more/less appropriate depending on stochasticity of scenario?
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 5826*
**component:** organization | **priority:** minor | **keywords:** VCD
#### 2022-06-07 21:09:51: william.hess@fda.hhs.gov created the issue
> UCUM Board…
## Feature request
Anti spin:
The spinning wheel(s) is slowed with less PWM or braking to its motors ESC, diverting more torque to the non-spinning wheels.
Electronic stability control:
China has emerged as a global leader in manufacturing, particularly in plastic injection molding. The country's ability to produce high-quality, cost-effective plastic components has…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 5825*
**component:** organization | **priority:** minor | **keywords:** ppq
#### 2022-06-07 21:06:59: william.hess@fda.hhs.gov created the issue
> UCUM Board…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 5811*
**component:** organization | **priority:** minor | **keywords:** EC50
#### 2022-06-07 19:59:25: william.hess@fda.hhs.gov created the issue
> UCUM alre…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 5815*
**component:** organization | **priority:** minor | **keywords:** in-lb
#### 2022-06-07 20:12:26: william.hess@fda.hhs.gov created the issue
> UCUM alr…
There are various issues with the WOS record data formatting when it is placed in the pub_hash, e.g. for the `MEDLINE:26776186` record, there are additional spaces and new lines.
I noticed some time ago that bluesky seems to perform relative motion with respect to the readback value. Almost all of the EPICS motor implementations i have seen for "jogging" or incremental step…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 5814*
**component:** organization | **priority:** minor | **keywords:** cc/m².24h
#### 2022-06-07 20:09:41: william.hess@fda.hhs.gov created the issue