Hi, this is the first time I am working on ESP or generally with networking application. I need one esp to send UART data to another esp over wifi so that from second esp I can see the UART data on co…
Can you give me the configuration parameters for a CC1101 to put in the json
And confirm that my connection to my ESP12 is OK ->
GD00 - D1
GD02 - D2
VDC - 3.3v
### Basic Infos
i am writing a code that give weather forecast from wunderground.com website with HTTP request, and i want send to me this forecast in telegram. i use UniversalTelegramBot library to …
The PIN next to RX on ESP12 (and ESP07) modules is GPIO5. The library is correct on the ESP-12E, but on ESP12, ESP12-SMD and ESP07-16PIN GPIO4 and GPIO5 swapped!
Actually this is a quite common/stu…
[esp12 breakout](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13375701/12714791/39c71dc8-c909-11e5-8129-3923a6a646b2.jpg)
The current antenna overhang prevents panelisation and has no value.
Maybe replace with ESP07 or change layer to something which is not copied over by the panelisation routine.
I have a new version of the ME102H
Equipment Model: 102
So+C108ftware release:
It has a Wifi Module WBR3 instead of TYWE3S
I removed the origional WIFI module WBR3 and replaced it with a…
Add functions to set wifiClientSec->setSSLVersion() and wifiClientSec->setBufferSizes()
Would also like to be able to give a BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure so one can use multiple root ce…
In your schematics (nice Paint drawings :-)) your TX/TR pins for the ESP12 are wrong. It would also make sense to review the MD file as in places you mention the ESP01, but then show the ESP12. Would …
My device receives data via serial once every second. One of my devices has _very_ poor wifi. Occasionally the device will connect to this weak wifi, receive an IP address, attempt to connect to AWS b…