It's time to enable event registration for 2025 on the Open Data Day website. Part of this is creating a new database and updating the map embedded on the page. I don't know the exact requirements and…
1. V poli Event by malo vyfiltrovať len eventy relevantné pre uživateľa podľa jeho ročníka (a možno len aktuálne?).
2. Pri zakladaní nového solution by po vybraní problému malo vyfiltrovať v poli sem…
**Related Product**
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Read-only access to both Check-Ins and Registrations
**Describe the question**
I would like to determine whether a user has both re…
The registration of `MyClass::myListener` and `MyClas…
Plan is to create a modular form similar to Gform which can be modified according to the requirements of the event registration. Should also contain a Payment Section which can be added as per require…
Exception Type: RelatedObjectDoesNotExist at /register/11/
Exception Value: Registration has no event.
Checked with Django Shell
from event.models import Event
from .models import…
:red_circle: Title: Multiple Issues in Event Registration System
:red_circle: Issue Description:
The event registration system on the website currently has several issues that need to be addressed…
Using event_id, the endpoint should fetch all attendees that register for the event, return the data in a paginated list form