Thank you for the fantastic package! The preprint is very well-written and highlights many interesting applications of Zol and Fai. I am particularly interested in the viral aspect and had a qu…
ho visto che cazzeggi e basta. Bisogna fare qualcosa
### Contact Details
### Section Number
use cases
### What is wrong
The use case examples define which elements are sent. No distinction is made as to whether the data is se…
Hi, I have some VCFs where the sequence dictionary in the header is out of the canonical order because of a tool's decisions. I'd like to be able to sort by VCF to follow the "usual" order, in other w…
Unable to build px4_sitl on M1 Mac.
Running terminal on Rosetta, and I've tinyxml installed, still doesn't work.
I repeatedly keep running into some new error or the other, mostly it points to som…
### Description of feature
Allow for inputing pre-built indexes (mmi, fai).
Après avoir invité beaucoup de personnes chez toi et préparé un festin copieux, la vaisselle s'emplile. Entrée +plat+dessert multiplié par le nombre d'invités, c'est inévitable. Et que dire des déchet…
## Contexte
On a décidé de gérer les droits au niveau des routes plutôt que de le faire au niveau de la base de données. Cependant, il y a un vrai sujet de sécurité sur la récupération des sources d'é…
### Description of feature
I started a sarek run (`v3.4.2`) providing a custom reference in the form of a bgzipped FASTA. The run from FASTQs started normally and did not run into any errors until th…