heyyy bro!when i
install ,it always says
C:\zyh\code\code\pytorch-loss\csrc\focal_kernel.cu(268): error: expected a ")"
C:\zyh\code\code\pytorch-loss\csrc\focal_kernel.cu(268): error: expected…
1. Augment with varied zooms
2. Multiscaled training
3. Spatial piramid pooling SPP
4. Different Losses
- Focal loss
- Wieight cross entropy
- Class balanced loss
- Label smothing
- Focal…
When training my own focal data set (binary classification) set 1000 epochs, after the training, my validation loss has converged, but the training loss has been declining, is this the best state?
Why there are two version of focal loss methods in _"class FocalLoss(nn.Module): URL: [https://github.com/kuangliu/pytorch-retinanet/blob/2199fd9711fd787ae409800a499db73e6d466fd7/loss.py](url)" ????
wanted to try but I got stuck here (error, from Mac Terminal):
"File "pcPromoter.py", line 5, in
from focal_loss import BinaryFocalLoss
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'focal_loss'"…
Why you multiply `onehot_labels` again in this line?
if appling focal_loss to rpn_class ,mrcnn_class ,mrcnn_mask , the performance will be better ?
Do you plan to add focal loss to boost SSD performance?
### Question
In Relation DETR, is the VFL loss the same as the vari_sigmoid_focal_loss function?
### Additional
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