I am building an integration for frege here: https://github.com/invesdwin/invesdwin-scripting/tree/main/invesdwin-scripting-parent/invesdwin-scripting-haskell/invesdwin-scripting-haskell-runtim…
subes updated
3 weeks ago
Check out the Wikipedia page on freges Begriffsschrift and birdtracks.eu chapter 3
Unsuitable because there is no ScriptEngine in eta: https://github.com/typelead/eta/issues/466
subes updated
3 weeks ago
We should have some kind of CI/CD pipelines to make the deployment easier.
First of all, thank you for making Hoogle. It is a wonderful tool and I am now trying to make it useful for [Frege](https://github.com/Frege/frege). I already have a working version [here](http:/…
philosophy of mind/logic/math historically: ... Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Kripke, Cohen, Chalmers
Riemann -> Einstein, Grothendieck -> ??
seemingly inescape rock and hard place: subjectivism (…
Eta: Blocked by https://twitter.com/rahulmutt/status/1113791731772743680
romac updated
5 years ago
I'm having trouble compiling this repository for https://github.com/Frege/frege/issues/375 , what's the correct way to do it?
Are there binary JARs somewhere that I just didn't notice?
If there *are…