Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\User\Downloads\Funcaptcha-Audio-Solver-main\Funcaptcha-Audio-Solver-main\main.py", line 27, in
captcha_token = solve_captcha()
"hub-mirror": [
puppeteer-extra-plugin-recaptcha is an amazing plugin. It should be great if it could resolve others captcha like FunCapcha?!
It's work like a charm.
Can you add more function to setting up OAuth2 for reading email with OAuth2 Imap
How did you decrypt it?
Anyone else looking for ways to programmatically complete the new Offer verification? So far, I have been using the app to complete the captcha and continue to run the script.
I found the URL to g…
I faced this issues while I am using 2captcha module.
Some parameters are mi…
**Key issue:**
I'm trying to log into a site that's protected by hCaptcha. I'm able to log in on chrome normally, and I'm not asked to complete a captcha at all. When using selenium I'm asked to comp…
I'm not familair with python at all, but hope you can help me :)
- Windows 10
- Python 3.9.7
- Using HTTPS [SSL] Proxies from https://proxyscrape.com/free-proxy-list
I'm getting the following …
有一段时间没有使用了,我记得之前有一个funcaptcha_solver的镜像需要同时部署。但是现在在docker compose示例文件中好像没有看到这个镜像了?