A user has suggested we look into this service: https://techdocs.gbif.org/en/data-use/data-cubes
but feel free to review any other options that strike your fancy. Both checklists and map data can, …
Feedback for: https://docs.gbif-uat.org/freshwater-data-publishing-guide/en/#gbif-required-metadata
The first sentence is a repetition of the beginning of the last section and can be deleted:
> …
**Describe the problem**:
This is based on a feedback message received on the GBIF Helpdesk.
> Cryptocephalus bipunctatus is a transpalearctic species from the Cryptocephalinae subfamily, widespre…
Up to now we sync checklist datasets with good licenses from the GBIF registry to ChecklistBank, but not the other way around. In the future we want CLB to be the only entry for new checklist registra…
At the node meeting 2024-09-18 we discussed creating a GBIF Norway rollup poster which we can print when we need it for conferences and other events.
* Michal offers to look at creating a dynamic w…
This is a placeholder for a longer-term issue, but ultimately we would like project organisers to choose whether to publish their project data to GBIF taking advantage of work that @johnvanbreda has a…
It is important for FADAtims that the FADA taxonomy is used, not GBIF. In some cases this will match but not always.
@schmikloi asked if it is possible to include the GBIF link on the FADA Taxon Ma…
Requirement to produce separate datasets per BMS region
Export in Darwin event format
follow on from #6
@johnvanbreda can you define what is required here
# Metabarcoding Data Toolkit
[GBIF nodes invited to join the pilot for metabarcoding data on biodiversity](https://www.gbif.org/news/3gm3lJaUQgTKZJRm6TiBff/gbif-nodes-invited-to-join-pilot-for-meta…
Based on the discussion here https://github.com/gbif/doc-freshwater-data-publishing-guide/issues/20
It is unclear for publishers what is required and not required metadata. There may be differences b…