- [x] Fork repository [GENIVI/genivi-dev-platform](https://github.com/GENIVI/genivi-dev-platform) to [gmacario/genivi-dev-platform](https://github.com/gmacario/genivi-dev-platform)
- [x] Make a local …
Hello @magnusfeuer,
Now that the repository has officially been transferred to http://git.projects.genivi.org/genivi_swm.git, which is the official issue tracker of this project?
Likewise, how do yo…
I noticed that the tab "Issues" is enabled on https://github.com/GENIVI/positioning
Shouldn't issues be logged on https://at.projects.genivi.org/jira/ instead?
If so, please go to Proj…
**Coach assistant:** @underground-11
**Sanity checks:**
* [x] GitHub profile photo + detailed profile description
1. Homebrew
2. Mozilla
3. TBA
Since branch `dev-rokers` was forked from https://github.com/GENIVI/genivi-dev-platform, the resulting `rokers-image-base` features the GENIVI Development Platform banner:
Yocto GENIVI Baselin…
I haven't been able to narrow down the exact cause yet, but with [3.2.3-r8](https://github.com/COVESA/capicxx-someip-runtime/releases/tag/3.2.3-r8) I'm seeing seserialization issues. Not 100% of the …
As an example:
- Genivi Linux DLT daemon uses uncrustify code beautifier as base for code contributions (even giving a fixed config setting configuration)
- https://github.com/GENIVI/dlt-daemon
- h…
The C++ templates [here](https://github.com/COVESA/capicxx-core-tools/blob/1e6e696fcf3a0dcf470e0d3a761cffd85321609f/org.genivi.commonapi.core/src/org/genivi/commonapi/core/generator/FInterfaceProxyGen…
The file `systemd/template-service.service` is not installed at all (missing in CMakeLists.txt)
Example: https://github.com/Airtau/genivi/blob/master/dlt-daemon/systemd/CMakeLists.txt
In order to fully support ara::com with iceoryx, we need a method like register_availability_handler similar to GENIVI VSOME/IP, so that actions could be performed based on the availability of publish…