It's appreciated for developing a such amazing tools, which combined reference-based and de novo assembly. It seems that MinYS was developed in the context of mining a particular symbiont geno…
Currently within Translator, we don't have a great way to track which KPs/ARAs consume which resources (for example, [who consumes `infores:huri`?](https://ncatstranslator.slack.com/archives/C04Q2PLDC…
**Source Name:**
Drug-Gene Interaction database (DGIdb)
**Source Data Description:**
Using a combination of expert curation and text-mining, DGIdb mines drug-gene interactions from sources inc…
@DianaOaxaca is going to start editing [wikipedia article Minería Genómica](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miner%C3%ADa_gen%C3%B3mica#:~:text=En%20bioinform%C3%A1tica%2C%20la%20miner%C3%ADa%20gen%C3%B3…
Here I would like to collect a set of interesting questions for data mining of the final mappings:
- [ ] % of coverage of the genome by chromosomes for each Species.
- [ ] % of coverage Transcri…
Hello Lex,
I'm adjusting your Gene_mining.slurm script from `S19_genome_mining_and_gene_identification/scripts`
to mine mammal immune genes but I got stuck at the `extract_fasta` step.
I assume thi…
Website: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/research/pubtator3/
FTP: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/research/pubtator3/ (We are most interested in [relation2pubtator3.gz](https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/lu/…
**Lightning talk:** "phASE-Stitcher: A tool for phasing genome wide haplotype in F1 hybrids using Phase Informative Reads"
**Authors:** Bishwa K. Giri, Dr. David L. Remington
Next …
The following came up during a discussion and I am placing the info here (not something we need in the first iteration).
- What are the waiting time for jobs to start due to data availability
Pseudo-WGS variant calling for common cell lines mining ENCODE and Roadmap Epigenomics data Recent progress in sequencing technologies have led to a massive production of epigenetic datas…