Is it possible to add gfortran to djgpp?
I will be gratefull
I am attempting to compile and load Related on a OSX system (M2 chip, if that makes a difference).
I initially followed the instructions on this Repo's README to the letter, but when I r…
My wsl system had gcc-9 (only, no gfortran), and a full gcc-11* installed. The environmet created the following env variables:
With the following modifications on `make_Unix`, I got the receip `lib` for building `slicot.a` and `lpkaug.a` sucessfully compiled, but the receipe `example` failed.
`make -f makefile_Unix lib`
I think your hash functions rely on multiplication by large numbers wrapping around. From what I can see, this behaviour is not allowed in the Fortran specifications. See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedoc…
`gfortran -c -std=legacy ga_14oct10.f`
115 | + igeneracion,(evaluar(parser(cromo(i))),i=1,40)
| …
# Summary
|New Failures|gcc|g++|gfortran|Previous Hash|
|Resolved Failures|gcc|g++|gfortran|Previous Hash|
|Unresolved Failures|gcc|g++|gfortran|Previous …
# Summary
|New Failures|gcc|g++|gfortran|Previous Hash|
|Resolved Failures|gcc|g++|gfortran|Previous Hash|
|Unresolved Failures|gcc|g++|gfortran|Previous …
https://groups.google.com/g/sage-devel/c/cSsAsPuVnxg/m/yVSGUFi7BQAJ (June 2021)
https://groups.google.com/g/sage-devel/c/NfUKjAaTcUg/m/JwqDd7mVAwAJ (September 2021)
In this ticket:
# Summary
|New Failures|gcc|g++|gfortran|Previous Hash|
|Resolved Failures|gcc|g++|gfortran|Previous Hash|
|Unresolved Failures|gcc|g++|gfortran|Previous …