Move to the next gitflow https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow
create `develo` branch, where all PR are integrated and where all nightly builds are generated. T…
We use a [gitflow workflow](https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/) where the master branch is a release branch while a develop branch exists as a stabilization branch. Topic branche…
This repos should follow Gitflow workflow and follow are the items you have to check.
- [ ] There is a `master` branch and a `develop` branch.
- [ ] `master` branch is locked for direct commits and…
The Git Standards page on our site currently suggests to use the Gitflow workflow - however the link to more info says that it …
Forking workflow has no text, needs to be written
Figures for this episode are not good, make new ones or find better
Ideally this lesson would mirror the GitFlow one before it, including the ex…
Hi @BjornFJohansson,
I was thinking that maybe we could start doing the development like in Biopython, where changes are made in PRs to master, which has all branch protections instead of dev_bjorn…
### Current behavior
I am using semantic-release with a custom tag format for the develop branch, and normal on the main branch... however this format breaks the continuity of the release...
# Objetivo
Definir e implementar una estrategia de ramificación GitFlow que se adapte a nuestras necesidades de desarrollo, integración y despliegue.
## Opciones a considerar
1. GitFlow tradicion…
Possible pieces of the puzzle:
- Github Action that runs when tags are pushed
- Check if version in `pyproject.toml` conforms to tag that was pushed, or else **ABORT**
- Github Action that runs …
Current workflow is like this:
1. Renovate creates PR when a new version of Renovate is available
2. After PR is merged `develop` is merged to `main`
3. `main` is backmerged to `develop`
4. Git…