Within our company there are two Jira instances (merger/acquisition), and originally different teams used different instances, so we copied and renamed the CheckJira plugin for the second instance.
A bunch of plugins are struggling when files are renamed in git.
e.g. when doing a `git mv test.pl test-001.pl`, the resulting githooks output from `git commit` is
(1/1) test.pl test-001.…
### What problem does this feature solve?
Solves having a duplicated dependency for managing Githooks by projects using Husky, the forked-off package for Yorkie.
@vue/cli-plugin-eslint currently h…
Would it be possible to add support for [Code::TidyAll](https://metacpan.org/release/Code-TidyAll) to App::GitHooks? (e.g. as a plugin?)
The `main-plugin` branch should stay synced with the `main` branch. This is being solved manually. An automated solution would be preferred.
Piggybacking on App::GitHooks::Plugin::NotifyReleasesToSlack, it would be handy to be able to post these releases to a Google calendar in order to offer a visual time representation of releases.
With plugins such as Twitter or Pump.io, it is easy to flood a stream with a bunch of selfies, not even taking amends and fixups into account.
It might make more sense for those to note post on commi…
Either clean whole directory and install new hooks. Or more unobtrusive, check all hooks if they are previously installed by this grunt plugin, and if it is removed from gruntfile now then remove it f…
I am trying to configure husky hooks with commitizen and lint-staged. This seems to trigger commit twice when I run `yarn cz` but when I run git commit it runs just once as expected. I have added gith…
I use githooks which automatically perform some actions when doing a git checkout. As a result, checkouts take some time. When running `:G checkout` with fugitive, it will open a new split, showing th…