on your web-page https://github.com/mir-group/nequip?tab=readme-ov-file#tutorial the Colab Tutorial is missing, https://drive.google.com/file/u/0/d/1_r348f6oIyKxH4FnpKeD8g4QjwDhP8mT/?pli=1
The `spectrogram_segmentation` notebook needs to be uploaded to [Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/), so that it can be run remotely without needing to clone down t…
### Description
Any tutorial that imports test audio files (e.g. `Audio.from_filepath("../src/tests/data_for_testing/audio_48khz_mono_16bits.wav")`) do not work on Google Colab, as there is no audio …
We should replace the usage of Generators with ChatGenerators in all tutorials so that users are prepared to use ChatGenerators in future and benefit from all future new features of ChatGenerators suc…
### Python Version
Google Colab currently uses `Python 3.10`, while the `dingo` project requires `Python 3.8`, making it difficult to install `dingo` on Google Colab.
### Outdated content
1. **De…
Creating a tutorial Google Colab notebook on how to use the environment, visualize rollouts, etc. Most useful after python visualizations #45 are completed.
I attempted the tutorial on [creating a plot with selection](https://datamapplot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/selection_and_filtering.html), but was met with an infinitely spinning spinner.
Here is a C…
##Hi, thanks for your code! When I run the code(docs\keypoint_moseq_colab.ipynb) with dlc_example_project, I got the error in kpms.fit_pca. Could you help me?:
File "D:\USERS\yq\code\MotionTracki…
I believe the tutorial for torchgfn could be more friendly with the following ideas:
- Using Jupyter Notebook with Google Colab support and step-by-step descriptions.
- Visualization of learning pro…
### Issue type
### Have you reproduced the bug with TensorFlow Nightly?
### Source
### TensorFlow version
### Custom code
### OS platform and distribution