From @romanplayer22 on Discord:
> make it so that the forestry wood blocks and bees have their separate translation keys instead of %1$s [thing] so its more consistent for languages with grammatical …
first of all,
awesome project!
i couldnt believe it when i saw the amount of languages you support!
in hebrew, as in [some other languages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_languages_b…
In Spanish, we have gender agreement (male-male, female-female). For example, when i give as input the token "1ro", the output I get is the correct one "primero".
However, when I give as input the …
Unlike OpenRCT2, transport game like OpenTTD or OpenLoco has cargos, which is a noun, and their grammatical uses may differ to languages, such as German, Dutch, etc.
I think it should be support a ge…
I want to come up with a good example that shows the use of case inflections. (I realize that is not in scope for the MVP coming up, and don't want to derail that! This would be for the future).
The different sub-tools currently all have their own language selector. This may make sense if the implementation hardcodes some aspect of the languages served, but I don't think that is the case, nor…
There currently appears to be a gap in the implementation of the `FormatStyle` APIs and foundation's `NumberFormatter`.
Although `DescriptiveNumberFormatConfiguration.Presentation` defines `ordinal…
To comply with the DZHW gender guideline, all ":" in the grammatical gender must be changed to "*".
From IEC:
> It is necessary to add the value "masculine/feminine" to cater for the decision taken by the Académie française, which adopted a report about the "féminisation des noms de métiers et de…
`pol.zip`, data from the online grammatical dictionary, includes in the 3rd column information about noun genders. This is not to spec. Polish nouns don't "decline for gender"; rather it is an inheren…