# Externs - Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit
Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language.
There should be some way to generate closure externs from Haxe classes:
- selected Haxe externs (for 3rd party libs, but not for js.html and such)
- exposed Haxe classes
# Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit
Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language.
# Native Metadata - Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit
Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language.
Would it be an idea to provide a PR to Haxe? We already have the externs, but not this nicely documented.
## Background
In connection with the [community post](https://community.haxe.org/t/how-to-make-the-haxe-compiler-emit-a-separate-type-for-each-generic/3889/2) and some recent discussions on the mat…
need to be able to call into C code from haxe with automatically generated externs and bindings
ideally as a macro but otherwise as a command line tool
I found your library when searching for lodash externs for Haxe. Thanks for sharing this. The approach for debounce / throttle is interesting and very "Haxy" :)
I'm wondering if your intenti…
I get an error in most mockatoo files, for example , Stubber.hx
In haxe 4, implements Dynamic is only supported on externs.
Thank you in advance :)
Externs would be ok, but really this is a nice simple library with consistent types. This would be a good simple example to practice exporting an npm/browserify-compatible js lib from haxe.