感谢您们优秀的工作,我想知道在Table 4中,在ucf101以及hmdb51数据集迁移的结果,是在k400上预训练800epoch还是1600epochs的权重?
HMDB51 datasets are overfittting.How to solve this prolbems.
Thank you for your great work.
Can you provide HMDB51 Dataset,because I can't download from official channels. Thanks.
* Name of dataset: HMDB51
* URL of dataset: http://serre-lab.clps.brown.edu/resource/hmdb-a-large-human-motion-database/
* License of dataset: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.…
I am getting accuracy less than 1% for dataset HMDB51. I only ran 3 epochs. However this is still too low.
The default learning rate 1e-3 has this issue https://github.com/stanford-action-recognition…
Thanks a lot for the paper and sharing the code.
In your paper, you have mentioned that HMDB51 in your work. Could you please release the code of this part!
How the documents in the folder are crawled?
when i execution
For RGB stream:
python test_single_stream.py --batch_size 1 --n_classes 51 --model resnext --model_depth 101 \
--log 0 --dataset HMDB51 --modality RGB --sample_duration 16 --s…
I am puzzled about the differences between pre_rgb.txt and rgb.txt
Thank you!
./reencode.sh hmdb51/videos/ hmdb51/mpeg4_videos/
should change into
./reencode.sh hmdb51/videos hmdb51/mpeg4_videos