sql/tests.TestRandomSyntaxSchemaChangeColumn [failed](https://teamcity.cockroachdb.com/buildConfiguration/Cockroach_Nightlies_RandomSyntaxTestsBazel/14856500?buildTab=log) with [artifacts](https://tea…
Now that the draft pages are complete, please review them for any final edits that may be needed, including text, graphics/tables, and layout... this is the final round of edits before it goes "live".…
Need to figure this out, is it shiny apps? static maps? static tables? Might be really cool to do the latter two as embedded html on our website with routine builds on GH actions.
Create script for data that feeds current extent table (ES-3 in HMPU doc), will require LULC, conservations lands, and supp data.
Mostly have this done but need to do relative to categories in HMPU doc (e.g., subtidal, intertidal, supratidal and their subcategories). Product would be tables and alluvial plots as in existing lan…
Reproduce table ES-3 from 2020 HMPU, related to issue 8. This rolls up from all intermediate data/maps.
Bottom of page 2, the seagrass target, per the 2020 HMPU, is now 40,000 acres (not 38k). Per Maya change the text now and we'll wait for the 2020 seagrass numbers to update the graph?
And I was pok…