**Describe the bug**
I'm pushing a h264 stream using OBS to SRS's SRT endpoint. From how I understand the documentation, this should then be exposed via /app/live/key.flv, but it's unplayable (timeou…
Multiple frequent switches to access two http-flv streams using the same player, continuously switching between these two streams. After about 5 switches, the SRS process exits. Refer …
没有看到,http-flv sender相关的介绍,这个Sender 怎么封装呢
Sorry for ask the question in this manner, does red5 support http-flv for live streaming? Thank you very much:)
Read https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/293
For origin: Publish stream to server, remux the stream to HTTP-FLV.
For edge: Play the HTTP-FLV, fetch from upstream, remux to HTTP-FLV.
The wiki:
[https://github.com/winshining/nginx-http-flv-module](nginx-http-flv-module) is another nginx extension, based on nginx-rtmp-module, with full nginx-rtmp-module function and same api, but supports HTT…
open source software for streaming media
# bilibili直播串流 | 个人小站
1ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i "test.mp4" -c copy -f flv "${rtmp}" 1ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i "test.mp4" -c copy -f flv "rtmp://xxx" rtmp:/
### ⚠️ 搜索是否存在类似issue
- [X] 我已经搜索过issues,没有发现相似issue
### 📜 功能描述
在公司网络环境下, 不知道运维在网关层面做了什么设置, 导致不能正常录制视频, 但是在网页上打开抖音是能正常看直播的. chrome现在是强制https的.
我修改了下url的逻辑之后就可以正常录制的, 使用https也比较安全吧.
Hey, first of all, great repo, love it.
HTTP flv.js player drops connection after about 30 minutes. Here's logs from the browser and nodejs console.
At the same time I launched ffplay and …