when i click "connect" in /dev hidraw0
there is no data from inverter.... you can help me?
Oct 26 17:06:20 energiadomestica mtp-probe: bus: 1, device: 35 was not an MTP device
Oct 26 …
Will this software also support P17 protocol for 5KW Hybrid Inverters ?
Data polling from photovoltaic (PV) inverter to provide information to ioBroker environment and adjust house load regarding the availability of PV. Maybe, in later stage, also control of basic functio…
So I am seeing a lot of CRC NOK as well as a few CRC OK. Which makes me think that I must have things wired up correctly, maybe? But I am just getting everything reported as 0.0 or off.
Could this …
Hallo shining-man,
BT Verbindung mit JK-BMS funktioniert bei mir sehr gut. Vielen Dank dafür.
Jetzt würde ich mir wünschen,das ich auch noch meinen Wechselrichter anschließen kann.
Ich habe einen …
I would like to try implementing your project, but before buying the stuffs needed, I have couple of questions:
Does you project emulates any know battery model? like PYLONTECH? I own a Easun…
Hi my inverter is this: infinisolar
Have PI18 protocol.
Hi Manio.
MPP Solar / Infinisolar MPI 10k hybrid inverter
pi@raspberrypi:~/skymax-demo/build $ sudo ./inverter_poller -1 -d
Thu Jun 2 11:13:12 2022 INVERTER: Debug set
Thu Jun 2 11:13:12 202…
Hi, I am working on a small project depending on Arduino, max 232, and solar inverter.
I do the wiring and upload the code, the problem is I have two brands of solar inverters, one of them a commerc…
Hi all,
I try since hours to get the connection running. Do you have any ideas?
Thank you!!