We're seeing some conflicting formatting from `isort` on our different machines. We have some `isort` config in the `setup.cfg` file, but maybe there's a code editor setting that's making changes to s…
In https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/47991#issuecomment-2448618658
Since `ruff` is drop-in replacement for `flake8` so upgrading `flake8` and switching to `ruff` should require the similar…
I'm working in a monorepo, so auto formatters aren't able to distinguish absolute path imports from external package imports, and they get grouped together.
With isort and black, I would set the sou…
isort makes that all imports are ordered the same way throughout our code: https://pycqa.github.io/isort/
It would be great if this would simply run for every commit pushed to the repository.
1. Static type checker is a very modern tool that enables analyzing python variables types and prevent errors before they are executed. I suggest to use pylance (for VScode) and basedpyright (for ever…
I am not sure if I just can't find the docs, because I expected this to be included in either I (isort) or TCH (flake8-type-checking).
Although no PEP recommends where `if TYPE_CHECKING` import blo…
The `isort` settings `import_heading_{section_name}` lets you specify heading comments for the sections, each defaulting to None.
I use these headings with all of my team projects so not a second is …
isort linting works very nice, but I am missing a single option to finish my ruff setup - which is 'group_by_package'.
1. Would it be easy to implement?
2. What is my workaround for temporary…
[Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) and [Ruff](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/) are or are becoming standard python tooling.
A few things need to be updated to make the transition seamless.
- [x]…
### What is it?
The dependencies in our python modules should be sorted in a consistent way. Let's use https://github.com/PyCQA/isort to get them all sorted.