* Operating System: macOS
* Node version: 18.20
* app-play-scraper version: 0.18.0
Getting an "Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0" when trying to get reviews
checking the response f…
### Problem
Running this command in verbose (`-vv`) mode:
$ beet -vvv fetchart album:"TRON: Legacy R3C0NF1GUR3D"
Led to this problem:
user configuration: /home/jac…
So as you may notice in the Issues tab, many users face problems using this tool at all. The download, purchase and purchase commands are broken.
I think the root cause is that the login method cra…
Currently, BePodder cannot search for podcasts. Looks like e.g., Clemetine can do this by searching http://ax.phobos.apple.com.edgesuite.net/WebObjects/MZStoreServices.woa/wa/wsSearch?country=US&medi…
Originally [reported](https://community.metabrainz.org/t/harmony-music-metadata-aggregator-and-musicbrainz-importer/698641/68?u=kellnerd) on the forums by DenizC:
> I’ve seen a few cases where Beat…
I am having below error in browser even though I installed all dependencies and created files in order in vuetify/ i-tunes project:
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/stylus-loader/inde…
Trying to search iTunes using a qt5 build results in this:
I like your app. "I don't have spotify" is something I have said aloud many times. :)
This issue is meant to suggest a feature the application doesn't yet have and to provide some sugges…
We've drafted an Architectural Decision Record (ADR) proposing significant enhancements to the file pattern searching mechanism in iLEAPP. The ADR covers two main proposals:
1. Module and Artifact …
Would it be reasonable to add an option where users can have the app screenshots pulled from the [iTunes Search API](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/iTu…