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Talked with Rachel from Furman about possibly integrating and syndicating some of their ArcGIS data.
She was also interested in how to use the open source CMV.io to build a web viewer for community…
Hi guys, I'm looking for some code that gives two options to the user, and if neither of these are chosen, then the program executes a third option after a countdown timer has passed. I think the code…
It would be great to have a code coverage tool configured. Maybe overkill for smaller applications but this can encourage users to write better test cases.
Compare different JavaScript Build Tools
[Which Should You Use: Webpack or Browserify & Gulp? | Toptal](https://www.toptal.com/front-end/webpack-browserify-gulp-which-is-better)
### Features
It makes me happy to see javascript projects using javascript build/dev tools. It would help for incorporating into my own project build system, so I can just take the parts I want. It is also cool b…
### Checklist
- [X] Checked the issue tracker for similar issues to ensure this is not a duplicate.
- [X] Described the feature in detail and justified the reason for the request.
- [X] Provided …
# Our JavaScript Tools - Better Dev
# [Learning] JavaScript Basic Concepts through Kiosk Project
# [학습] 키오스크 프로젝트를 통한 JavaScript 기본 개념 학습
## Overview / 개요
First approach to JavaScript through building a simple cafe kiosk system, fo…
The playcanvas editor now supports ESM modules.
This allows playcanvas developers to easily leverage 3rd party ready made components.
One big opportunity is to leverage React based components s…