Currently Jenkinsfile Runner ships only with Java 11. @timja @basil and other contributors made a lot of work to ship Java 17 preview support in the Jenkins core, and it would be awesome to ship Jenki…
Currently Jenkinsfile Runner demos use the runner version from the local repository. So each demo basically needs an update every time an incompatible version is released. It would be better to suppor…
Please update docker image on docker hub https://hub.docker.com/r/jenkins/jenkinsfile-runner to version 1.0-beta-32
POC using Jenkinsfile Runner to enable serverless Jenkins for build service.
- [ ] Jenkinsfile runner build - using custom Jenkins war package
- Use a current set of plugins from plugin.txt and p…
Reposting this task just to indicate I am working on it. If somebody is interested to be an early adopter, stay tuned for a pull request
### Jenkins and plugins versions report
Paste the output here
### What Operating System are you using (both controller, and any agents involved i…
Steps to reproduce:
- navigate to https://github.com/jenkinsci/custom-war-packager/tree/master/demo/jenkinsfile-runner
- make clean build
[INFO] ----…
Plugin Installation Manager Tool implements multiple commands at the moment, and options are a bit confusing. The tool would benefit from sub-commands (`install-plugins`, `list-updates`) that could si…
Hey everyone,
I'm a big fan of the Jenkinsfile-runner, I have been for years when I accidentally stumbled upon it in early development. Unfortunately I have never been able to get it to work. I re…
We do not have access to machines previously used in CI anymore. Therefore, CI is very limited at the moment and only patches improving test coverage will be merged.
#476 adds a layer of CI based o…