Hi Nicolas,
I found very interesting your post on European journalism, especially the Commission's "built-in inability to communicate that prevent them from having any discursive impact". Of course, …
Population level feature for Total, average number of fails per level(subfeature)
Per Level feature for ordered popularity of quit types per level
Most common quit type at population level, across all levels
How often a snippet is replaced in a notebook, as a user level, session level feature
source: https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2014/10/21/section-1-media-sources-distinct-favorites-emerge-on-the-left-and-right/
pouvoir lire les articles de https://www.slow-journalism.com/
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nyhetsundvikare (uutisten välttelijä)?? https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lar-dig-hantera-tyng…
GoodDollar is a UBI open to everyone.
We have to "clone" GoodDollar creating a new smart contract that receives money from GoodDollar UBI but allows to spend it independently of the main GoodDollar…
A fundamental principle in journalism is the idea of two independent sources. Many of the ideas in the book can be seen as enrichments and extensions of this. Chapter 6-3 should refer to it therefor…