## Creación de gh-page
Definitivamente debemos planificar la construción del sitio de la comunidad usando gh-pages.
Webphone Browser-Phone does not work with letsencrypt certificates, please, I appreciate your guidance.
On LAN with self signed certificate it worked, but with letsencrypt certificates it does not …
Cómo organización es importante poseer una identidad que nos defina. Por eso se abre este issue, con el fin exclusivo de mostrar los posibles logos de Venezuela.js.
## This is a ✨ [Cryptoxmas.xyz](https://cryptoxmas.xyz/) bounty✨
**Every bounty DAI paid out will be matched as a donation to this** [Venezuelan Giveth Campaign](https://release.giveth.io/campaigns/5…
Saludos, esta un grupo enfocado al desarrollo de JavaScript en general. Que es [Venezuela.js] pero este esta exclusivamente para el desarrollo del lado del servidor. Muchas gracias.
## Argentina
- [BANode.js](https://www.meetup.com/BANode-Meetup/) Comunidad de Node.js en Buenos Aires
- [Meetup.js](https://www.meetup.com/Meetup-js/) Comunidad de JavaScript para compartir conocimie…
### Avoid duplicates
- [X] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/ferdium/ferdium-app/blob/HEAD/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) that this project adheres to.
- [X] I have searched the [issues…
Hi Andre, How are you?
Im From Venezuela and i read and saw all the potential of you library but i still dont know how to use it.
Im basically new to all of this Node JS Enviroment, and i want to as…
Pessoal, registrei mais esses termos utilizados pelo ANCAP.SU. Verifiquem o vocabulário pra incluir essas novas palavras.
1. Ciro Gomes -> Xingo Nomes
2. Organização das Nações Unidas | ONU -> Org…
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