When I try, `PS C:\projects\portfolio\src\assets> resume export --theme @jsonresume/jsonresume-theme-class bradykellycv.pdf`, I get the following message: `You have to install this theme relative to t…
When building an HTML output, the `basics.picutre` attribute is used as `src` for the user picture, but it is also being wrapped by an `a` element as if it was a link.
Tested with [jsonresume-theme-e…
Before exporting/displaying the resume, we should probably populate fields in the JSON that have been renamed for backward/forward compatibility.
It's a bit annoying, but can't be helped with most of…
For people living in countries with multiple official languages (i.e. Canada has english and french), what is the recommandation?
It would be nice to be able to repeat sections with a identifier, i.e…
The website has a background color on it which is a very light gray.
The PDF version has this color on the background, but then goes #FFFFFF at the bottom where the resume finishes.
Bring consiste…
I expect to see my profile photo taken from `basics.image`, but it is not:
"basics": {
"image": "https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C5603AQHYBCIryEnWDQ/profil…
When exporting the resume to a pdf doesn't care about the content and just make a new page directly through the middle of content.
Am I correct in saying it is basically just screenshot'ing the ht…
I am getting this error when trying to run locally after a fresh installation following tutorial from https://george-gca.github.io/blog/2022/running-local-al-folio/
``` Liquid Exception: Liquid …
Hi, I'm experiencing an issue with my Jekyll site using the al-folio theme. The problem arises when I try to deploy my site using the `bin/deploy --user` command.
The main issues are:
1. **Colle…
bundle exec jekyll serve --lsi
shows error
Configuration file: /home/jeelros/Github/JeelChatrola.github.io/_config.yml
bundler: failed to load command: jekyll (/home/jeelros/gems/bin/jekyll)…