I am using GAPIT for a study and I am reciving the following information from my log:
[1] "--------------------- Welcome to GAPIT ----------------------------"
[1] "MLM"
[1] "---…
There are a LOT of these - I stopped counting at 50 -looks like a third of all object properties are these - and they are so specific that I don't think they belong at the mid-level.
Dear Dr. Zhou and colleagues:
**Can we use GEMMA to run a GWAS on UK Biobank data**?
I understand that I shall run each chromosome separately.
But still, if GEMMA only takes plink bed/bim/fam…
There are multiple ways of improving the current version of the proband kinship calculation algorithm.
**1. Parallelization**
When we add a vertex to the cut, we need to calculate its kinship with…
Dear Marc Jan Bonder,
I am following your paper published in Genome Biology (2021) to perform cell-type specific sc-eQTL mapping. In the paper, you mentioned a model including two random effects (k…
We are running the latest LDAK6 in a Red Hat 8.8 cluster, using the Slurm scheduler. When the job runs, we get the following output:
(base) [laip@esplhpccompbio-lv01 MegaPRS]$ cat JOB1003351.out
- [ ] #57
- [ ] #58
### Godot version
### System information
Godot v4.2.rc2.mono - Windows 10.0.19045 - Vulkan (Forward+) - dedicated NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (NVIDIA; - AMD Ryzen 9 590…
## Agenda and Minutes 2024-10-16
### Prework
### Roll Call
- [x] Jazmyne
- [x] Nicci
- [x] Sam
#### Discussed agenda:
Right now our priorities are to (1) complete drafts of provisional personas …
nlvan updated
3 weeks ago
- Código: https://github.com/wtnthu/FaCoR
- Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.04546.pdf
Chamou-me a atenção por estar entre os melhores resultados na comparação feita na tabela 6 de #50.