# Automatisk rapportering av resultat från Canvas till Ladok
På KTH har IT-avdelningen implementerat sin egen Canvas-till-Ladok-resultatrapportering. Senast jag tittade på den lämnade den dock en d…
Exportera labbresultaten till en pdf.
Finns en färdig mall i resources/Rättningsprotokoll.
Behövs göra:
Skapa en vy som skapar tabeller med resultat ifrån labbarna.
Mallen ska med på varje sida med d…
Needs to make a call to ladok for each submission and check if the submission is verified and in ladok.
The late-assignment procedure generally works well now. At least during a course, there are still some problems related to students returning to finish some assignments a few years too late.
One so…
dbosk updated
6 years ago
This issue contains feedback about your project. In some cases it may
contain actions to carry in order to get a final grade.
# Workplan
The workplan is not really a workplan. There are no dea…
Some things can be cached, like user and assignment information. [Cache](https://cachetools.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) this type of data.
Add an option to store that cache on disk between sessions.
dbosk updated
2 months ago
I stumbled upon this while digging up something... so here comes what I know of this.
The solution to this is legal and not technical. There are technological means in place that you mention in fac…
Lägg till bokcirkeln i schemat i år.
Kolla om it kan ge oss tillgång till azure nyckelval, då kan vi spara hemlig data där oc…
We need an interactive looking glass filter in the marking view
* Implemented "for free" by using sortable table
* If we write the name of an examiner in this box only students examined by this te…
Just nu hittar jag inget sätt att ge en kurs ett vettigt namn i modellen.
Jag vet inte vad ett namn borde relateras till: en GivenCourse? Kursen bör väl rimligtvis ha samma namn under studieperiod ia…