## 문제
- 문제 사이트: 백준
- 문제 이름: [LCM(1, 2, ..., n)](https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/11690)
- 문제 번호: 11690
### 문제 풀이 템플릿
### 시간복잡도 생각해보기
### 풀이 아이디어
### 의사코드
### Library name
### New version number
### Other information that may be useful (release notes, etc...)
Starting fastsdcpu...
Python command check :OK
Python version: 3.11.0
Running on Windows platform
OS: Win…
LCM-HCF Calculator using HTML, CSS, JavaScript
I noticed that the functions gcd (Greatest Common Divisor) and lcm (Least Common Multiple) found in Functions - Number Theory , won't accept and input with only 2 variables although the UI says the th…
LCM-HCF Calculator using HTML, CSS ( Animations) , JavaScript
Regarding the greatest common divisor (GCD) and least common multiple (LCM), as binary operators, it seems that two incompatible meanings exist:
* The meaning used in Euclid's geometrical text (Elemen…
Want to add LCM-HCF calculator
## Steps to reproduce
1. Add duplicate students with all fields same except for the phone number. For example,
`add n/John Doe p/98765432 a/John street, block 123, #01-01 gl/LCM 1`
`add n/John Doe p/…