Compile complains:
[warn] /Users/richard/Developer/lift/widgets/src/main/scala/net/liftmodules/widgets/flot/FlotOptions.scala:190: @deprecated now takes two arguments; see the scaladoc.
[warn] …
please change id="gravatar_image" to class="gra…
Why is the name for lift 2.6 written as 2-6 in the repo? Is it on purpose?
The widgets source code is no longer compatible with Lift 2.6. I don't think this is a problem. I propose to modify the _build.sbt_ to specify Lift 3.0-SNAPSHOT.
When compiling with Lift 2.6 the er…
I keep getting these warnings:
WARN n.liftweb.http.CoreRequestVarHandler - RequestVar net.liftmodules.ng.Angular$HeadRendered$_ was set but not read
I changed all "val's" to defs based on other tic…
I suspect the issue is the driver behind the wheel on this one, but can't see where. Looking at source code for .defModelToFutureAny and ModelFnFuture it doesn't appear as if I should be treating .def…
Hi Diego,
Thanks for providing this starter.
Cloned your repo to have a look at your la-futures-2 branch. Had to do the following to get it to work:
Changed the plugins.sbt to the following:
### json4s version
### scala version
### jdk version
### Description
Polymorphic extraction of types appears to be broken whereas it works in the upstream lift-json…
I tried to build a project with lift 3.0.1 and lift-formality and it couldnt bind. When will this support lift 3?
following error getting while running (build completed sucessfully)
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_112\bin\java.exe" "-javaagent:D:\software\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2019.2.1\lib\idea_rt.jar=…