Login with default user (the same user used with command adminlte:admin). Use Laravel dusk to Login?
- [x] Il·luminació artificial (torxes, llums diverses...)
- [ ] #8
- [ ] #3
- [ ] Smooth lightning (gradient? [exemple](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/fqtib/the_difference_b…
Llum command package obsolete for Laravel 5.5 with package discovery?
First of all very big thank you for this project.
I am trying to create an example with a speaker model
to get the X-vector of the speaker (voice fingerprint).
I am using this example: …
I've noticed that llum adds the Service Providers and Aliases in config/app.php multiple times if you have an error (and thus the installation failed) and then run it again.
I was having an error wit…
en un esclavo, si parto de un modelo de centro donde en el Wizard la carpeta /net no está enlazada con el maestro, y luego intento reconfigurar con el wizard a la opción con /net enlazado en …
Context: estava retraduint el corpus Europarl del castellà al català (que usem per entrenar el neuronal) per a beneficiar-nos de les millores en els últims mesos
Estava comparant la traducció antig…
He intentat instalar l'aplicació i no trobo les taules que fan falta al mysql,
Podríes adjuntar el .sql de la BD
### System information
Type | Version/Name
--- | ---
Distribution Name |
Distribution Version |
Kernel Version | 6.5.11
Architecture | x86_64
OpenZFS Version | 2.2.1
### Describe the proble…