Добрый день! Большое спасибо за библиотеку.
Сегодня, без видимой на то причины, перестало работать сохранение сделок и контактов после редактирования кастомных полей. Выдает ошибку
* Ripme version: 1.7.89
* Java version: 8.0.2310.11
* Operating system: Windows 10 Home 10.0.17763 Build 17763
* Exact URL you were trying to rip when the problem occurred: https://e621.net/post/in…
ghost updated
4 years ago
Currently using @loona/react for a new project, and running into issues wrt Typescript.
For example the first parameter to `patchQuery` in Context is typed as a DocumentNode, which only allows for …
When playing Encrypt Key/Hide Key mode, for Sorcerer's Tower, Loona the Witch's preview bubble image is showing the witch, but all her secondary assets (hat, dress, bag, hair) are in …
It would be really nice, if we could use @loona to query data on the client to fetch data from an Realtime database or an Websocket, like a Graphql Subscription but implemented in the client.
Now a…
apollo-angular-cache-ngrx is now depreciated
ng build --prod generates
main.568598cebae93c2a7f2b.js:1 Uncaught Error:
In order to initialize Apollo Client, you must specify link & cache properties on the config object.
(disclaimer: I wrote it)
https://github.com/bearcove/merde_json is lighter than serde_json, and could easily replace it for the two places fluke deals with json:
- in httpwg-gen (parsing the J…
good to have small eg. of usage mixin @client/server types and subscriptions