I wanted to customize `fd` colors and read the docs. I found out that it uses `LS_COLORS` for customization.
macOS builtin `ls` command reads colors from `LSCOLORS` env variable, not `LS_COLORS`.
mkdir sticky
chmod o+t sticky
use lscolors::LsColors;
fn main() {
let tmp_file = "sticky";
let lscolors = LsColors::from_env().unwrap_or_default();
I tried the Solarized colorscheme in both gnome-terminal and uxterm, and I ran into one major problem: Solarized seems to use several of the standard terminal colors (notably bright green and bright b…
would it be possible to make `chadtree_settings.theme.icon_colour_set` have the option `"none"` which would just disable colors on icons entirely?
another nice option would be "lscolors" which coul…
Given the following rust package definition:
# This works:
{ lib, fetchzip, rustPlatform }:
rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
pname = "lscolors";
version = "0.7.1";
src = fetch…
it seems that the location when running lscolors changes the way its input is colored
ls-F built-in command
135: ls-F FAILED (ls-F.at:36)
136: ls-F color CLICOLOR_FORCE FAILED (ls-F.at:93)
137: ls-F color LSCOLO…
- os: Windows 10 (Arch Linux in WSL)
- `lsd --version`: 0.21.0
- `echo $TERM`: xterm-256color
- `echo $LS_COLORS`: rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:o…
I'd have to look more into how `ls` handles it (and how various version of `ls` handle it)... but I know off the top of my head there is `LS_COLORS` and `LSCOLORS` available as env variables... it wou…