Hi there, just wanted to file an issue on a small roadblock I ran into. The dataset (HEST [1]) I'm working with has some downscaled images with the extension `.jpeg` which trips the validity check [he…
Sorry for the late reply. Each fold is trained for a fixed number of epochs. There is no early stopping based on validation c-index (results wouldn't be fair).
_Originally posted by @…
- Re-run code to see if its works with the provided datasets
- understand what it is trying to do
I used something similar to [this](https://github.com/huggingface/pytorch-image-models/discussions/1232) to extract the attention scores for the penultimate layer, as explained in the caption for …
Thanks a lot for such a great job, I would like to ask where is the training and testing code for the subsequent wsi classification
Hi, based on the following lines, it seems gradient accumulation is not properly implemented:
Re-run code to see if its works with the provided datasets
understand what it is trying to do
- https://github.com/mahmoodlab/TOAD
- [paper link](https://ubcca.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/teams/ubcANAE-…
@Richarizardd @faisalml - I appreciate your intuitive work. I have been using [CLAM](https://github.com/mahmoodlab/CLAM/tree/master) for quite some time, but I have encountered an obstacle as follows:…
Did you have a chance to explore mapping the gene names to Ensembl IDs?
I'm looking into that now and don't know if there's a recommended way.
Hi all, great work with this model. I would like to use it on some of our pancreatic images. Is there a Jupyter notebook or example page about how to structure the image directories to pass into CTran…