is it possible to generate factals like mandelbrot/julia set and other factals using equation
The note about The Mandelbrot Set on page 401 states "code for generating the Mandelbrot set is included in the online examples". But it doesn't appear to be included as promised; at least I couldn't …
Benchmark mandelbrot
My LuaJIT BF Engine runs it in 1.870 secs
## Challenge: Create a Mandelbrot set image with Zig
### Introduction
#### WFT is a Mandelbrot set? 🤯
#### Nice, but how? 😳
Of course, some explanations on how to translate this…
Please assign me this task
- flamegraph (gpu && cpu)
- togliere commenti stupidi in giro
- cpu vettorizzato con float e double
- scrivere su relazione che cambiamo solo RESOLUTION e non cambiamo ITERATIONS perché tanto abbia…