Given sparse symbolic matrix determinant does not care about the structure of matrix and does full matrix compuation and it makes impossible to compute determinants of matrices after certain size due …
zvnkk updated
4 weeks ago
I am going to implement the GRU computations in my code and compare the results with the output of a GRU layer. To this end, I am using a same input for both cases and get the weights of GRU…
It would nice to have basic density matrix related functionalities that are part of basic quantum information theory computations (partial trace, entropy, fidelity, purity..)
I've been trying to use pykeops to generate rows of a kernel matrix. However, when I change the kernel hyperparameter sigma from an int to a float (5 to 5.), the outputs become nan. Do the developers …
An analogue of [scipy.signal.convolve2d](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.signal.convolve2d.html) would be extremely useful to simulate the following classes of models for ex…
This is an overview of the outstanding issues regarding G sets, and is meant to track their current status.
- [ ] We need to improve computation of GAP orbits on Julia objects (see #722). The obsta…
## Describe the bug
When using the `PyramidDiTForVideoGeneration` pipeline, a `ValueError` occurs due to the covariance matrix not being positive definite when sampling from a multivariate normal dis…
I am working on analyzing the input distribution and statistical distances outlined in Table3.py and Theorem5.py, and I have encountered a few issues. I would greatly appreciate your insights …
Hi, there!
First, I show you my example.
block_mat1 = Matrix(1,1)
block_mat2 = Matrix(2,2)
block_mat3 = Matrix(3,3)
block_mat4 = Matrix(4,4)
block_mat1[1,1] = ones(…
Hey @gdalle, really cool stuff here!
I am quite interested in GridGraphs for the calculation of ecological connectivity. There is a cool distance metrics that has been introduced recently called th…