First time xfemm user. I tried to set up the matlab interface to xfemm by running mfemm_setup(). It started compiling nicely (see below) but then I got an error
`>> mfemm_setup()`
I'd like to compile a version with a native Apple Silicon version of MATLAB.
I have successfully built Ipopt (using coinbrew) and an Octave MEX interface, but I am afraid I don't know how to get me…
运行 coptmex_install后
Installing MATLAB interface for Cardinal Optimizer on Windows system...
Add and save path D:\toolbox\matlab\copt-matlab\lib to MATLAB search path.
MEX 文件 'D:\toolbox\matlab\copt…
I have been trying to build the mex-file on Windows 10 with the free MinGW64 Compiler (C++)' and using he latest LeapMotion SDK and keep getting the errors:
Error using mex
Thanks for providing CLandMark. However, I couldn't compile successfully the Mac OSX Binaries for Matlab interface. Maybe, if you can provide theses ones for Mac OSX, I'll appreciate a lot.
I …
Issue created by migration from Trac.
Original creator: zhaoye8810
Original creation time: 2017-05-04 14:33:30
Assignee: ferreau
Version: 3.2.1
Hello, I try to run the matlab file `runOCP.m` from…
Has the MEX interface to OSQP been successfully built for [GNU Octave](https://octave.org)? If not consider this a feature request.
I tried following the instructions for building the MATLAB interf…
Problem: when using MATLAB 2019a with CPLEX 12.10 on Windows 10x64 [enterprise and professional SKUs], generateMexFastFVA.m produces the following warning and error:
>> generateMexFastFVA
> Th…
jep38 updated
5 months ago
I set up all the necessary matlab paths for cmake, and successfully generated the makefile.
But when I get to compile the Matlab wrapper, I get the following compilation error:
`[ 10%] Building CX…
For some context see the following discussion in the [Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/coolprop-users/LEMKlfHcjdw).