FYI, the muhlenberg.github.io repository provides free hosting at that domain name if you want to use that one?
There's some very minor stuff there already, nothing you couldn't completely overwrite/…
Can we make these gray? "Muhlenberg gray"
Larger font if necessary
Still need the ftp server address or whatever the guy uses. Has anyone contacted him since the first time, or do we need to go through Dr.Kussmaul?
As a Muhlenberg user, I want to login on the first try.
2 points
- [x] Create a log in page
- [x] Implement PHP to verify account information
As a Muhlenberg user, I want to have control over my account, so I don't need to contact an administrator whenever I have a problem.
7 points
- [x] Include options to edit account information
- [x]…
205733: 1 ière détermination: Bromus ciliatus L. f. intosus (Fern.)
194003: 1 ière détermination: Luzula frigida (Buch.) Sam. var. contracta Sam.
205730: voir photo et nom de la 1 ière détermination (…
It would be great to limit the number of rows the user can add.
# Motivation
We have gotten several requests for different types of improvements to the menu system. This is a spot to collect and track them all.
# Tasks
* [x] #4703
* [x] #4701
* [x] #482…
German words ending in -schen: boeschen, goschen, groschen, guldengroschen, hamantaschen, hanschen, kischen, leschen, mariengroschen, menschen, neugkroschen, neugroschen, silbergroschen.
German wor…
A more challenging but potentially substantial efficiency improvement in the site update process could be to start loading the primary DB with the new .sql file while graphs are being generated and wr…